Blog Posts
We all suffer from various cognitive biases, those mental filters or lenses that alter or warp the reality around us. With the election of 2016, one particular bias has gained…
Dave Swenson
We hear every day that more and more jobs are disappearing, yet the technology job sector cannot keep up with the unprecedented demand. So why are women falling behind in this…
AKF often recommends to our clients the adoption of business metric monitoring – the use of high-level user activity or transaction patterns that can often provide early warning…
AKF Scalability WorkshopPhoenix Feb 7 - 8, 2018!Register Now for our next workshop! Workshop OverviewOur workshop is designed for technology executives who are responsible for…
It seems that everyone is on the microservice architecture bus these days (splits by the Y axis on the AKF Scale Cube). One question we commonly receive as companies create their…
Pete Ferguson
A topic that often results in great debate is “how to measure engineers?” I’m a pretty data driven guy so I’m a fan of metrics as long as they are 1) measured correctly…
The most common point of congestion and therefore barrier to scale that we see in our practice is the database. Referring back to our earlier article “Splitting Applications…
Splitting Applications or Services for ScaleMost internet enabled products start their life as a single application running on an appserver or appserver/webserver combination and…
As a frequent technology writer I often find myself referring to the method or process that teams use to produce software. The two terms that are usually given for this are software…
We often use the term minimum viable product or MVP but do we all agree on what it means? In the Scrum spirt of Definition of Done, I believe the Definition of MVP is worth stating…
The caller ID was blocked but Marty had been expecting the call. Three “highly connected” people – donors, political advisers and “inner circle” people – had suggested…
Read about one of our success stories in which we filled an interim CTO role at a marketing subscription company in New York.AKF Long-term Case Study